【Testimonial】I've got back to shcool, club activities!!!(Orthostatic Dysregulation) ~Kobe, Sanda, Nishinomiya, therapy room~

recovery from sudden OD boosting your own energy

In the tenth grade
Miss K.

A high school girl came to my office, because she had OD, orthostatic dysregulation.

She was a energetic girl and she went to school early in the morning for club activities, and got home late at night.

She worked all day long although she was a high schooler.

However, the day came at last that her energy was run out!

One day, when she woke up, she couldn't get up from her bed, because she felt extremely exhausted, serious headache, and run-down.

Then, she saw her home doctor, and got diagnosis 'orthostatic dysregulation.'

From that day onwards, she couldn't attend school. If she was a little better, she joined classes from noon.

And her mother found our office on the web. Her brother had been our client before, so her mother felt easy to ask for counseling and therapy.

In our office, acupuncture and manipulation are the primary option for OD(orthostatic dysregulation).

Cranial therapy is very effective, safe, no side-effect. Acupuncture, one of the Chinese Traditional Medicine options, is suitable for autonomic nervous system imbalance like OD.

Almost after a month, she's got in good health, and she is now what she used to be.

orthostatic dysregulation

Orthostatic Dysregulation (OD)

In the morning, it was very hard to get up from bed, and I was troubled in headache and fatigue. That is why I couldn't attend school for long, and eventually I came to MominokiSeikotsuin.
My symptoms were gone by the acupuncture therapy, and now I go to shcool and join the club activities as before. It was good to go to MominokiSeikotsuin. Thank you so much!!!

Questions via e-mail

If you have any questions about yourself or your symptoms, please don't hesitate to get contact with us.

午前(9:00 ~ 12:00)×
午後(16:00 ~ 20:00)×××

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